Yesterday was no exception. My plan for dinner was to make a pork roast in the oven, shred it and put BBQ sauce on it for my husband (I don't like BBQ sauce, so I skip it), but when my daughter went down for her usual nap time at 2... lets just say things went the way they normally do at 2am. I got the oven preheated, and then she started screaming and crying. I popped my head around the corner and she was sitting up and I could see the tears down her face but her eyes were closed. When I went to lay her back down again, she clawed my face. She never does that, she knows better than that. So I just took both of her hands in mine and laid her down and got her settled. Then someone rang the doorbell. Legitimately woke her up, crying. I answered it, it was the neighbors kids selling stuff, told them no while she was sobbing. Got her laid back down. She went back to sleep within minutes. By then the oven was preheated.
She fell on the floor.
Got her back in her bed, singing, then I hear Will choking.
Took care of that and he was awake then. So much for a nap after the pork roast was put in the oven :) Such is the life with two kids. Oh well.
Wait. The pork roast isn't in the oven.
I go and get it out of the fridge, pull out the salt and pepper, and...
Blood curdling scream.
I grab Wills bouncy seat, and sit next to Mari until I get her settled down again all the while shes spurting gibberish. So I moved her to the couch so I didn't have to keep going back and forth.

This lasted for all of 20 minutes while I got Will changed and did some of his therapy.
I went to the kitchen and heard her get up, no crying, so I thought she was awake. Nope. Standing in the middle of the living room with her eyes half open. Pointing at me, asking me what that was. "What is dat?" "It's my shirt." "No. What is dat?" "I don't know, what is that?" "Cat."
Went ahead and picked her up and laid her on my chest where for the next hour she did the sleep jump thing over and over again and never stopped moving.
So when Shawn got home, he took her, she cried. Will woke up. I moved him into the kitchen with me.
I finally opened the pork tenderloin roast, realized it was two pieces, which made my life easier. I threw one half in the preheated oven with salt and pepper for Shawn to take to lunch, shredded, with BBQ sauce and I butterflied the other half and made herb crusted pork chops for dinner.
I salted the pork chops with Kosher salt. Yes. I see the irony in that. But it sticks to the pork chops better and helps make that crust. Then I put on the onion powder and garlic powder. Then the rest. And no, I didn't use the applesauce. It's just sitting there because I have a 2 year old and currently am redoing my pantry area.
Olive oil was my oil of choice.
Not much, about half a TBS. And I keep it in a squirt bottle for things like this.
Used my giant skillet. Got all four in.
Let them sear on each side for about 8 minutes.
Which gave me some time to get some stuff done around the kitchen and to look outside for one of the first times that day at well after 5pm.
I love the view from my kitchen window. I really do. And the sign above it is a great reminder, especially on days like yesterday.
It says, "Faith makes things possible, not easy."
I love being a Mom. It's what I've wanted to be since I was a little girl and am thankful for a Mother who encouraged that but also always reminded me to keep my eyes on the Lord and living my life for Him and everything would turn out for the best. She encouraged me to be everything I needed to be, not everything I wanted to be, and for that I am eternally thankful for my Momma.
Flipped over my pork chops...
Put the potatoes in the microwave, and realized I didn't have any salad dressing or the time to make any before services, so we skipped the salad.
My husband scarfed it down after it was done, and I started getting the kids and myself ready for services.
Mari ended up settling and slept a total of four hours and then ate 2 PB&J's, 1 Kashi cereal bar, a handful of grapes, 2 cups of water... and asked for "medicine" which means her mouth was hurting.
I'm not asking for advice as to what to do about her sleeping problem, we're working on it and I know what the problem was yesterday, it wasn't just her teeth, but I'm not going to get into that on here :)
But in this, the lessons I've learned over and over again since becoming a Mom 2 1/2 years ago from today, is to roll with the punches and when life throws you a curve ball. Make pork chops out of your roast.